The player is living dangerously and currently in Endwalker (Arrived at Elpis).This is a Work-in-Progress.He/Him | 33 (at time of Endwalker) | Sellsword | Reluctant Hero | Dark KnightHandshake available upon request.Player: 34, They/Them, EST

roleplaying guidelines

Communication and respect are the rules of thumb, and I reserve the right to deny any Roleplay I am not comfortable with. I am open to certain sensitive subjects so long as they are communicated OOC so players are on the same page. I am open to both "Standard" Roleplay and Explicit Roleplay.
I am not comfortable with: age play, bathroom kinks, unsanitary kinks, and vore.   RULE TWO.
I, the player, have a life external to Final Fantasy XIV. If we become comfortable with each other, I will exchange alternate communication (Discord) with you.

Not every RP has to be about sex. Lavanda is open for friendship and adventures.
Lavanda is cripplingly homosexual, homoromantic, and polyamorous. This will not change.
I will RP with all races but will not ERP with Lalafells.
While Lavanda is my character, he is not synonymous with myself. The character and the player can have two completely disparate beliefs.

name:   Lavanda "Van" Kha
age: 33 (at time of Endwalker)
gender:   He/Him (cis)
orientation:   Homosexual
race:   Au'ra
main class:   Dark Knight
eyes:   Green
hair:    Black and Lavender
height:   7'8"
build:   Muscular
alignment:  Neutral Good
likes:   Ears, Explicit Consent
dislikes:   Magnai

birthplace:  Azim Steppe
current residence:   Nomadic
nuclear family:   Miel (adopted sister), Namuunaa (mother), Odtsetseg (father, deceased)
extended family: Zolzaya (grandmother), Bilguun (uncle), Sorqan (uncle)
+ POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES : Stalwart, Moral-Driven, Empathetic, Altruistic - NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES : Overprotective, Self-Sacrificing - NEUTRAL ATTRIBUTES : Illiterate, Physically Affectionate

Lavanda was born a child of the Steppe. The only child of Namuunaa and Odtsetseg, Lavanda grew up learning as all children of the Steppe do - to hunt, provide for the clan, and to be a warrior. He idolized his father, and adored his mother.His father was killed in the Naadam when Lavanda was fourteen.At fifteen, while hunting, Lavanda found his sister abandoned and alone in the Steppe, near death. He brought her home to the Kha clan, and with his mother and the Mol helped nurse her back to health.Lavanda would flee the Steppe just shy of twenty-one, the result of a catastrophe he blames himself for.

After some time in Limsa, plagued by an abusive relationship that ends in death, he makes his way to Gridania to study with the Archer's Guild.

Warrior of Light/"Vanilla" timeline

*** NOTE: This is a work in progress. Lavanda and Miel are both the Warrior(s) of Light, both a shard split from Azem and both possessing of the Echo.
Lavanda starts as an Archer/Bard. He joins the Scions readily and emphatically pursues the defeat of Primals and, in turn, the Garleans.When fleeing the Bloody Banquet, he takes a weapon strike to the head, cracking his horn and his skull. This is healed by his sister.Lavanda falls in love with Haurchefant Greystone.

After the events of The Vault, Lavanda wanders the Brume grief-stricken and finds Frey's body. From this point forward, he is a Dark Knight.
Lavanda develops feelings for Estinien Varlineau and Aymeric de Borel.Lavanda takes a nearly-fatal blow from Zenos at Rhalgr's Reach, saved only by Miel's healing. He is left with a chest scar.

After The Ghimlyt Dark, Lavanda suffers migraines.
On the First, Lavanda and Miel both receive the Light poisoning. Lavanda is left with scarring/bleaching on his chest and throat.Currently in Endwalker, Lavanda is a hair's breadth from a mental breakdown, given what happened with Emet-Selch and Elidibus, and nearly losing his sister upon returning to Eorzea. The drive to save the Source is one of the only things keeping him going. The other is killing Zenos, once and for all.

Sellsword timeline

Lavanda is not the Warrior of Light, and is purely a sellsword. He starts in Limsa Lominsa after his flight from the Steppe, before moving to Gridania as an Archer/Bard. He remains close with Alphinaud, and joins the Scions as muscle.
Miel also joins the Scions (whether as the Warrior of Light or as a fellow scholar).

Lavanda receives his head injury and chest scar at the same time as the WoL timeline, and again only saved by Miel's healing.
Both Miel and Lavanda are pulled to the First. He receives his Light scars from Miel's Light aether nearly killing him.

   III.During Endwalker, Lavanda is much like Estinien in using his martial prowess to assist the Scions.

hooks and ideas

The Steppe: Lavanda loves his home, even though he is far from it. He will gladly teach others about it.

Family: Lavanda places a high regard for family, while acknowledging that they are not made purely by blood. He will gush about his sister ad nauseum.

Justice: Lavanda has a strong moral compass and a disdain for seeing those in need be harmed or pushed around. He has injected himself in his fair share of fights to defend someone being wronged.

mains & friends

Arya Alsahiir chaotic enbie and wingman of the year
